The past decade we’ve seen tremendous strides in contest preparation methods that have yielded bigger and more conditioned bodybuilders stepping on stage than ever before. While advances in our understanding of exercise and nutrition play a role, we also should give credit to the athletes themselves for their execution. Being on point with protocols, regardless of how scientific they are, really can be quite challenging. Let’s face it, contest preparation can be extremely stressful. How an athlete maneuvers their way through the plethora of stressors they face during prep will determine not only their success on stage, but also in life outside of the sport.
In just a few short weeks at the 3DMJ/JPS Melbourne Tour, I will give a talk titled: “Stress – The Impact on Contest Prep”. As someone prepping for my 31st show and as someone who has coached countless others to the stage, I’ve experienced or seen just about every major stressor that can occur during contest prep. Thus, I wanted to share my thoughts on how to make sound decisions when you are faced with one of the more common stressors that occurs during contest prep. Check out the video below where I discuss how to deal with slow progress and fat loss plateaus during contest preparation.
I hope it helps and talk to you guys in my next vlog!
The post Dealing with the Stress of Contest Preparation Plateaus appeared first on 3D Muscle Journey.